We have already received the first three deliveries of young plants from the organic young plant farm Mogg. Among them are cutting lettuce, chard, spring onions, kohlrabi, fennel, and parsley.
The direct sowings have developed excellently in the polytunnel due to the warm temperatures. The first radishes, arugula, and Asian salads have already been delivered to our Feierabend Landstraße
In the open field, we work with 5 raised beds and a total of 39 permanent beds spread across 8 plots. In addition to that, we have the herb hill and various perennial beds, which will be planted exclusively with edible, perennial plants this year. That is expected to take place in May.
The upcoming polar frost is delaying outdoor cultivation somewhat. I’m using the time to measure all the plots, plow them with the single-axle machine, and then cover them with green silage film. This process is called solarization. The film helps retain moisture in the soil, creates a nice moist and warm environment for soil organisms underneath, and causes weeds to die due to lack of sunlight. It’s best to leave the film on the plot for 3-6 weeks, depending on the amount of sunlight. The warmer it is, the faster this process goes. Once this process is complete, you’ll find a fine, crumbly, weed-free soil, and you usually don’t need to do much more to start planting.
When I want to plant the plot, I remove the film, measure out the permanent beds, spread the homemade compost 2-3cm thick, and sow/plant directly into the compost. Looking forward to the photo documentation when the time comes!